The exclusive auto-comments generation feature was implemented yet back in CyberSEO version 6 almost 10 years ago. Since then, it has earned the special attention of CyberSEO Pro users, because it gives the ability to endlessly increase the amount of textual information at WordPress webpages.

Throughout the years, the plugin has continually evolved and improved. Along with it, the possibilities of auto-comments generation have improved as well. For example, in CyberSEO Pro version 9.019 it has become possible to use RSS feeds as a source of content for comments. You probably read about it in our article. Today, the auto-comments generation capabilities for WordPress have once again been significantly expanded.

First, in addition to the built-in Synonimizer and Rewriter, there is the ability to use Spintax in your pre-written comment lists, further enhancing their uniqueness and re-usability.

Second, from now, all auto-comments added from text lists and RSS feeds can be automatically rewritten with OpenAI GPT. Thus, even comments or entire articles imported from third-party RSS feeds are turned into completely unique comments, under your WordPress posts and articles.

Now a few words about the most important addition. Starting with version 10.037, the CyberSEO Pro plugin allows you to automatically generate WordPress comments without using any third-party content sources, like pre-written text lists or RSS feeds. The plugin can now fully generate auto-comments using OpenAI GPT.

Simply create a new auto-comments campaign, select the WordPress category for the posts under which you want new comments to be added, and write an OpenAI GPT assignment according to your needs. Specify the comment style, goal, keywords you want, and so on.

You can also use the following CyberSEO Pro template shortcodes in your assignments: %post_title%, %post_content% and %post_excerpt% to provide OpenAI GPT the title and content of each post for preliminary analysis in order to generate the most accurate and informative auto-commments.

As you understand, WordPress auto-comments generated by OpenAI GPT based on post text analysis will no longer be some garbage on your page. With a well-written assignment, OpenAI GPT is capable of generating really useful and informative comments, highlighting some details that may not be obvious from the main text of the post. We all know how well OpenAI GPT is able to find the very essence of the analyzed article and reveal its essence in every detail, sometimes giving really useful advice and recommendations.


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