Can deep learning transform heart failure prevention?
A deep neural network called CHAIS may soon replace invasive procedures like catheterization as the new gold standard for monitoring heart health.
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A deep neural network called CHAIS may soon replace invasive procedures like catheterization as the new gold standard for monitoring heart health.
This new device uses light to perform the key operations of a deep neural network on a chip, opening the door to high-speed processors that can learn in real-time.
The technique leverages quantum properties of light to guarantee security while preserving the accuracy of a deep-learning model.
More efficient than other approaches, the “Thermometer” technique could help someone know when they should trust a large language model.
Fifteen new faculty members join six of the school’s academic departments.
MIT engineers developed a tag that can reveal with near-perfect accuracy whether an item is real or fake. The key is in the glue on the back of the tag.
Complimentary approaches — “HighLight” and “Tailors and Swiftiles” — could boost the performance of demanding machine-learning tasks.
MIT system demonstrates greater than 100-fold improvement in energy efficiency and a 25-fold improvement in compute density compared with current systems.