New algorithm unlocks high-resolution insights for computer vision
FeatUp, developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, boosts the resolution of any deep network or visual foundation for computer vision systems.
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FeatUp, developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, boosts the resolution of any deep network or visual foundation for computer vision systems.
Joining three teams backed by a total of $75 million, MIT researchers will tackle some of cancer’s toughest challenges.
MIT CSAIL postdoc Nauman Dawalatabad explores ethical considerations, challenges in spear-phishing defense, and the optimistic future of AI-created voices across various sectors.
By enabling models to see the world more like humans do, the work could help improve driver safety and shed light on human behavior.
MIT spinout DataCebo helps companies bolster their datasets by creating synthetic data that mimic the real thing.
Tamara Broderick uses statistical approaches to understand and quantify the uncertainty that can affect study results.
Lightmatter, founded by three MIT alumni, is using photonic technologies to reinvent how chips communicate and calculate.
MIT LIDS awarded funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission as part of a multi-state collaborative project to model and test new smart grid technologies for use in rural areas.
MIT engineers developed a tag that can reveal with near-perfect accuracy whether an item is real or fake. The key is in the glue on the back of the tag.
Innovative AI system from MIT CSAIL melds simulations and physical testing to forge materials with newfound durability and flexibility for diverse engineering uses.