Creating coherent book-length articles with GPT-4 Turbo

The first day of last year marked a significant milestone for the CyberSEO Pro plugin, as it introduced support for OpenAI GPT, becoming the first in the market to use AI for autoblogging. As the year unfolded, the AI domain continued to evolve, culminating in the release of the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo model. This model is distinguished by its capacity to generate extensive texts, reaching up to 128K tokens, equivalent to about 85,000 words or 300 pages in English.

The breakthrough feature of this technology is its ability to produce not just isolated snippets of text, but comprehensive, contextually unified articles. Through the [gpt_article] shortcode, the plugin now offers a powerful tool to generate complete, book-length articles that are seamlessly integrated and contextually coherent, all centered around the specified topic:

[gpt_article topic="article topic" directives="specific instructions" language="desired language" sections="number of sections" heading="heading tag" max_tokens="maximum tokens per section" temperature="creativity level"]

The shortcode doesn’t just string together separate sections on a topic; it creates a fully cohesive article where each part is written in a consistent context. It also ensures that all sections are tightly connected and woven into a single, unified narrative, providing a fluid, well-structured reading experience that maintains a continuous and coherent storyline throughout the article.

The topic parameter is the key element of this shortcode, intended to hold the title of the article to be generated. Typically, it can include the %post_title% placeholder, which, during shortcode processing, will be replaced with the title of the current WordPress post. This makes the most sense when generating articles from a text dump or a CVS file containing article titles. It can also be used with titles from imported RSS feeds, which is particularly relevant in conjunction with the RSS Retriever plugin:

[gpt_article topic="%post_title%"]

Additionally, remember that the CyberSEO Pro plugin allows the use of Spintax in the parameter values of all shortcodes used in post HTML templates (Parse Spintax must be enabled). The topic parameter is no exception:

[gpt_article topic="{Traveling to|Life in|Restaurants in|Sights of|Climate in|Work in} {Paris|London|Warsaw|Berlin|New York|Tokyo}"]

This feature allows you to create post templates with randomly modifiable rules for content generation, an indispensable tool for autoblogging that you should definitely learn to use.

The directives parameter allows you to give additional instructions. If omitted, the default directive applied will be:

“Format the text for embedding in a WordPress post, using only the <p> tag. Exclude any other HTML tags.”

For instance, if you want the generated text to include bullet lists, set the directives parameter as follows:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" directives="Format the text for embedding in a WordPress post, using only <p>, <ul>, <li> tags. Exclude any other HTML tags."]

Similarly, you can specify any HTML tags you wish to see in the generated article. Moreover, you can set desired keywords and provide recommendations on the article’s style and content. For example:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" directives="Write as {an expert-ecologist|a typical urban dweller}. Format the text for embedding in a WordPress post, using only <p>, <strong> tags. Exclude any other HTML tags. Use <strong> for the 'global warming' keyword. The text should cover the problems of environmental protection and be written in an analytical style."]

Note that double quotes ".." cannot be used within parameter values – use single quotes '..' instead. Otherwise, WordPress will not be able to parse your shortcode correctly, as double quotes within double quotes would confuse the parsing algorithm.

By default, the shortcode [gpt_article] generates articles in English. To specify a different language, use the language parameter. Note that all parameter values for the [gpt_article] shortcode should be in English. Therefore, to get an article in Spanish, your shortcode should look like this:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" language="Spanish"]

The sections parameter determines the number of text sections in the article, with the default being 4. Changing this value allows you to increase or decrease the length of the generated article. Keep in mind that using the OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo model API can be costly, so adjust the article size based on your budget. You can also use Spintax to create CyberSEO Pro articles of varying lengths. For instance, the following shortcode will generate articles with 3 to 7 text sections:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" sections="{3|4|5|6|7}"]

You can specify your own tag for headings with the heading parameter. By default, each text section starts with its title enclosed in an <h2> HTML tag (heading=”h2″). Here are some examples of using this parameter:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" heading="h3"]


[gpt_article topic="the article topic" heading="strong"]

If you don’t want each text section to have a heading, set the heading parameter to an empty string:

[gpt_article topic="the article topic" heading=""]

The max_tokens and temperature parameters allow you to adjust the maximum number of tokens in each generated article section (default is 4096, the maximum for OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo) and the GPT model’s creativity (default is 1), respectively.

Keep in mind that while the [gpt_article] shortcode can generate a large, multi-page article, you are not limited to using just this shortcode in your post template. Firstly, you can use multiple [gpt_article] shortcodes (e.g., with different settings for different parts of the article). Secondly, your template can include other shortcodes, as you might need to insert graphic illustrations or blocks of HTML code, like a navigation block, advertising block, etc.

The above describes the simplest way to use the [gpt_article] shortcode. Remember, that you can use additional parameters by using all available placeholders. For example, when importing a CSV dump and configuring its format (in the “Dump Format” drop-down box section), you can designate certain CSV fields as “Custom” fields. These will then be converted by the plugin into XML tags like <custom1>, <custom2>, etc.

The values of these “Custom CSV Fields” will be accessible in your template through placeholders like %xml_tags[custom1]%, %xml_tags[custom2]%, and so on. This feature allows you to use these fields as additional parameters or as part of the “directives” string in your shortcode. The video below demonstrates an example of using the %post_excerpt% and %post_tags% placeholders.

It’s important to monitor the token usage in your OpenAI account after setting up your content source using the [gpt_article] shortcode. Currently, the cost of using the GPT-4 Turbo model is $0.01 per 1K incoming and $0.03 per 1K outgoing (generated) tokens. Therefore, assess your expenses for generating each typical article according to your settings to determine the optimal number of generated article sections and the optimal size of each section in tokens, which should not exceed 4096.

Below is an example of a 4-section text generated using the following shortcodes (one for an image and another for the article):

[pixabay q="Solar System" orientation="horizontal" name="%post_title%"]

[gpt_article topic="%post_title%" directives="Format the text for embedding in a WordPress post, using only <p>, <em>, <blockquote>, <ul>, <li> tags. Exclude any other HTML tags. The article should tell about known facts reviving the mysterious secrets."]

The result for the %post_title% = “Overview of the Solar System” (if you want to add an image and a post thumbnail from a different source or to generate it with AI, you already know how):

Overview of the Solar System

Overview of the Solar System

The Solar System is a vast and awe-inspiring place, full of mysteries and wonders that have captivated humanity for centuries. At its center is the Sun, a massive star that provides light and heat to the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that orbit around it. Our Solar System is made up of eight planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – each with their own unique characteristics and secrets to uncover.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Solar System is its age and formation. It is believed to be around 4.6 billion years old, formed from a giant molecular cloud of dust and gas. Over time, gravity pulled this material together to form the Sun and the planets, with the leftover debris forming the smaller celestial bodies that we see today.

The Solar System is also home to a number of mysterious phenomena, such as the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. These regions are filled with remnants from the early days of the Solar System, providing valuable clues to its history and evolution.

But perhaps the greatest mystery of the Solar System is its future. Scientists are constantly studying the movements and interactions of its celestial bodies to better understand how it will change over time. Will the Sun eventually engulf the inner planets? Will a rogue comet or asteroid collide with Earth? The answers to these questions are still unknown, but one thing is for sure – the Solar System will continue to be a source of fascination and wonder for generations to come.

Planets and their Moons

The planets and their moons are some of the most intriguing celestial bodies in our Solar System. Each planet has its own unique set of moons, with varying sizes, shapes, and compositions. Mercury and Venus are the only two planets without any moons, while Jupiter has the most with a staggering 79 moons and counting.

Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are believed to be captured asteroids from the nearby asteroid belt. Jupiter’s largest moons, known as the Galilean Moons, include Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These moons are incredibly diverse, with Io being the most volcanically active body in the Solar System, Europa having a subsurface ocean that may harbor life, and Ganymede being the largest moon in the Solar System, even bigger than the planet Mercury.

Saturn’s moon Titan is another fascinating moon, as it has a thick atmosphere and is the only other place in the Solar System with stable liquid on its surface. Uranus has 27 known moons, with the most interesting being Miranda, which has a strange, jumbled surface that suggests it may have been shattered and then reassembled in the past. Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, has geysers of liquid nitrogen shooting out from its surface and is one of the coldest places in the Solar System.

The interactions between these planets and their moons also provide valuable insights into the dynamics of our Solar System. For example, the gravitational pull between Jupiter and its moons causes tidal heating, which is responsible for the volcanic activity on Io and the subsurface ocean on Europa. The same gravitational forces also affect the orbits of the moons, leading to complex patterns of motion that are still being studied by scientists today.

Overall, the planets and their moons are not only essential components of our Solar System, but they also hold many secrets that are yet to be uncovered. With new missions and technologies being developed, we are constantly learning more about these fascinating celestial bodies and their roles in shaping our understanding of the cosmos.

The Sun and its Role

The Sun, a massive ball of burning plasma, is the heart of our Solar System. It is the ultimate source of energy, giving life and light to the planets that revolve around it. Its gravitational pull keeps the planets in their orbits, preventing them from hurtling off into space. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth as we know it.

But the Sun’s role extends far beyond just providing warmth and light. It also generates solar wind, a stream of charged particles that can affect the atmospheres of planets and even influence their magnetic fields. The solar wind can create stunning phenomena like the auroras on Earth and other planets. The Sun’s magnetic field also extends far into space, creating what is known as the heliosphere, which shields our Solar System from cosmic rays.

The Sun’s influence on the planets is not just limited to its physical effects. It also has a huge impact on their climates and weather patterns. For example, the Sun’s varying levels of activity, such as sunspots and solar flares, can cause changes in Earth’s climate, leading to phenomena like El Niño and La Niña.

As the Sun continues to burn through its fuel, it will eventually enter the next stage of its life cycle. In about 5 billion years, it will become a red giant and expand to engulf the inner planets, including Earth. This inevitable fate of the Sun reminds us of the ever-changing nature of our Solar System and the importance of understanding its complexities.

Overall, the Sun’s role in our Solar System is multifaceted and vital for maintaining the delicate balance that allows life to exist on Earth. It is an ever-present reminder of our place in the cosmos and the forces that shape our existence.

Other Celestial Bodies in the Solar System

In addition to the planets and their moons, the Solar System is home to a wide variety of other celestial bodies, each with their own unique characteristics and importance. These include asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, and the mysterious Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud.

Asteroids are small, rocky bodies that are found mostly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They vary in size, with the largest being Ceres, which is also considered a dwarf planet. These asteroids are remnants from the early days of the Solar System and can provide valuable information about its formation and history.

Comets are icy bodies that release gas and dust as they approach the Sun, creating a glowing coma and a long tail that can be visible from Earth. They are believed to originate from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, two distant regions of the Solar System that contain billions of comets and other icy bodies.

The Kuiper Belt is a region beyond Neptune that contains a large number of small, icy bodies, including dwarf planets like Pluto and Eris. It is similar to the asteroid belt but is much larger and more distant. The Oort Cloud is even farther out and is thought to be a spherical shell of icy bodies that surrounds the entire Solar System.

The Oort Cloud is so distant that its existence is still theoretical, but it is believed to be the source of long-period comets that take thousands of years to orbit the Sun.

These other celestial bodies in the Solar System play a crucial role in our understanding of the cosmos. They are a reminder of the vastness and complexity of our Solar System and the many mysteries that are still waiting to be explored. From the rocky asteroids to the icy comets and beyond, these celestial bodies are an integral part of the intricate tapestry that makes up our corner of the universe.


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