Best autoblogging plugin for WordPress in 2024 – CyberSEO Pro

You might be wondering why CyberSEO Pro is rarely mentioned in all those “Top Auto Blog Plugins for WordPress” articles that you usually see on the Internet, which usually list the same list WordPress RSS aggregators?

There’s a simple reason for this oversight: CyberSEO Pro isn’t just another standard RSS feed aggregator. Although the plugin fully supports importing any RSS and Atom feeds, including extracting full articles, automatically translating them into other languages, supporting content spinner functions, generating post thumbnails (featured images) and everything else that other premium plugins do, CyberSEO Pro offers much more than just importing RSS feeds into WordPress posts. Let’s take a closer look at these unique features.

Content Curation

As mentioned above, CyberSEO Pro can import any RSS feed, including RSS 2.0 and Atom. Many plugins are capable of doing this, so there’s no need to go into detail about this feature.

It’s worth noting, however, that RSS is a specific instance of a broader data representation format known as XML. XML files can have different structures and contain different data, such as product lists for online marketplaces, stock quotes, weather forecasts, and much more. CyberSEO Pro allows you to import XML files of any format containing any data. With CyberSEO Pro’s post templates you can define your own HTML structure for generated WordPress posts, position the data you need anywhere in the post and apply any formatting. You can also store imported data in your chosen WordPress custom fields.

CyberSEO Pro can create not only standard WordPress posts and pages but also any custom post types defined by third-party plugins and themes, like products for WooCommerce or any other types. Furthermore, when selecting any WordPress custom post type, the plugin will provide a list of custom taxonomies specific to it, along with the ability to define their content.

CyberSEO Pro post type

It can also import CSV files and raw text dumps. Interestingly, the plugin can import CSV files in two different ways. First, you can paste the contents of the CSV file into the “Dump” field on the “CSV or text dump” tab of CyberSEO Pro’s Syndicator, just like a regular text dump. Secondly, you can import the CSV file’s content located remotely by merely entering its URL address. In the latter case, the plugin can import a CSV file of unlimited size line-by-line without overloading the server memory.

If these capabilities are not enough, CyberSEO Pro allows you to import products from online markets like Amazon and AliExpress (in fact, it can import product lists from any market that provides them in XML, JSON, or CSV formats), as well as content from social networks such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Telegram, Reddit, Tumblr, Flickr, Pinterest, or videos from channels like YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion. It may also be worth mentioning news aggregators like Google News, Bing News, and News API.

Here we come to the main highlight of the plugin, which is its unique interface and settings system for all the supported content sources described above. The fact is that when you import any content source, the plugin automatically converts it into XML format, transparently to the user. Yes, any content source you import, from an RSS feed to an Amazon product list or posts from a Telegram channel, will be displayed in the settings panel as an XML file, showing its structure, which you can analyze to configure the plugin exactly as you need it.

Thus, all your content sources in the CyberSEO Pro Syndicator settings panel are in one list, and the main thing is that the full spectrum of settings and functions for processing imported content is available for each of them. CyberSEO Pro is the only plugin on the market that implements such a universal approach.

CyberSEO Pro feeds

Content Enhancement

As mentioned previously, any imported content source, be it an RSS feed, news articles from News API, YouTube videos, a CSV file containing online shop products, a Reddit channel, JSON or XML files with information of interest, can be processed, altered, and enhanced using the full range of content management tools offered by the CyberSEO Pro plugin. This collection of tools will satisfy even the most demanding webmasters. Here’s an overview of some features provided by the plugin to enrich your imported content.

Post Templates

These allow you to modify post titles, create post meta descriptions for various SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math SEO, The SEO Framework, and SEOPress. You can also define any HTML structure for WordPress post content and post excerpt. Using templates and specific placeholders, you can specify which data from the imported content should be included in the post body and how it should be formatted. Ultimately, templates let you endlessly augment imported content with your images, media content (such as relevant YouTube videos), static text, dynamic texts generated using Spintax, or AI tools like Article Forge or any OpenAI GPT models. Additional images can be imported from free repositories like Pixabay or generated automatically with AI image generation models like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E.

CyberSEO Pro post templates

Custom Fields

You can save any data from the imported content sources in the form of custom fields. For instance, if your WordPress theme or a third-party plugin requires the product price to be in a WordPress custom field named “price,” or a custom image link in a field named “thumb” or “image,” CyberSEO Pro can easily do that. You can also set your custom values for WordPress Custom fields for each imported content source.

CyberSEO Pro custom fields

Full Text Extraction

The plugin can extract full-text articles using only web page links containing those articles. Additionally, you can remove redundant tags or whole parts of the imported HTML document. For example, you may wish to eliminate an annoying block containing social media icons for sharing the article’s link.

Article extraction using Full-Text RSS API

CyberSEO Pro with the Full-Text RSS API

Article extraction using container tag

CyberSEO Pro full text extraction using container tag

Content management

CyberSEO Pro content management

Machine Translation

Since the plugin integrates with machine translation systems like DeepL, Google Translate, and Yandex Translate, all imported texts can be automatically translated into any language you choose. Moreover, CyberSEO Pro’s integration with plugins like WPML and Polylang allows you to generate multiple versions of the imported article for each language supported by your site.

CyberSEO Pro translation

Post Thumbnail Generation

You can automatically generate a featured image for each created post from images within the imported article body, in RSS media attachment. If the imported article lacks images, you can generate a post thumbnail using a relevant image from Pixabay or a Creative Commons-licensed image from Google Images Search. If these options are not enough, you can specify an alternative source for creating post thumbnails, or have the plugin generate thumbnails using AI image generation models like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, based on the article’s content, which can also be automatically analyzed using OpenAI GPT in order to find the most relevant image.

CyberSEO Pro post thumbnail generation

Content Spinners

CyberSEO Pro integrates with content spinners like WordAi, SpinnerChief, SpinRewriter, ChimpRewriter, TBS, and X-Spinner. While not endorsing these technologies, a professional autoblogging plugin like CyberSEO Pro acknowledges their presence.

CyberSEO Pro content spinner selection

Notably, it features its unique WordPress content spinner based on OpenAI GPT, unrestricted by token limits imposed by OpenAI’s GPT models. It also retains the structure of the modified HTML document, preserving elements like images, embedded media content, headers, lists, tables, etc. However, it only works with English texts and does not support other languages. Whether to use a content spinner is entirely up to you, but after reading the next part of this article, you might decide to abandon this controversial method.

Built-in Synonymizer/Rewriter

Besides supporting third-party content spinners, CyberSEO Pro has its synonymizer/rewriter, allowing you to set your synonym table and replace given words and phrases. This feature is in demand by those who want to prevent search engines like Google from detecting GPT-generated content. Although Google has officially stated that it doesn’t penalize GPT-generated content, many webmasters still fear potential sanctions and prefer to deceive GPT-detection systems using a standard synonymizer, which you can find in CyberSEO Pro’s toolkit.

Content Filtering

This sophisticated system within CyberSEO Pro allows you to reject articles that do not meet your criteria. You can filter based on keywords and phrases, text size, publication date, or the categories/tags of imported articles. It ensures that only relevant and quality content makes its way to your site.

CyberSEO Pro content filtering


Comments on WordPress posts represent another way to enrich content. Since all user comments appear on the same web page as the article itself, search engines treat them as part of the content of that page, along with the article. CyberSEO Pro includes a special tool called “auto-comments,” allowing you to create an unlimited number of campaigns that generate comments for existing posts on your WordPress site. Content for comments can be drawn from sources you specify, such as text files or third-party RSS feeds, and comments can also be automatically generated using OpenAI’s GPT models based on your text instructions. What’s more, CyberSEO Pro will analyze the content of each post and post a thoughtful comment containing desired keywords and any additional content. The comments are created randomly with a probability you define, whenever a user visits the page with that post. This creates a full illusion of the organic appearance of comments under posts. The more views a post has, the higher the likelihood of a new comment appearing under it. It adds depth and interactivity to the content, potentially boosting SEO and user engagement.

This feature can be a powerful tool for webmasters looking to increase the perceived authenticity and richness of their content. Like many of CyberSEO Pro’s features, it reflects a commitment to providing versatile tools for the modern content-driven online landscape. Whether you’re curating content for a news aggregator, an e-commerce site, a blog, or any other type of web platform, these features are designed to give you full control over the content’s appearance and quality.

Content Generation

We’ve already discussed some of the plugin’s features that can be useful for improving content imported from various supported sources, regardless of their original format (RSS, XML, JSON, CSV, raw text, social networks, or online marketplaces). Now, it’s time to reveal that all these methods are fully available to you for generating WordPress posts without using any third-party content sources. We’re talking about No-source WordPress Autoblogging, the latest milestone in automatic blogging made possible with the advent of advanced GPT artificial intelligence models.

Since CyberSEO Pro supports the automatic article generation service Article Forge and is compatible with all OpenAI GPT models, it opens up truly limitless possibilities for creating entirely unique auto-filled blogs on any subject without relying on imported third-party content.

Yes, you can still configure the plugin to take articles, for example, from RSS feeds, and generate GPT posts with a detailed analysis of those articles’ content. This method of autoblogging cannot be considered plagiarism, as you’re publishing only an analysis of news articles, not reprinting them. Especially if the original source is cited in the AI-generated analysis. However, No-source WordPress Autoblogging frees you from the need to import any third-party content, even for analysis purposes.

Thus, No-source WordPress Autoblogging is the most technologically advanced and honest way to manage networks of automatic blogs on any topic. Essentially, it’s no different from the usual method when you commission articles from copywriters. The only difference is that copywriters are no longer needed, as their function is taken over by artificial intelligence. This allows you to save a significant amount of money and time, and also to significantly improve the quality of your content.

Indeed, the CyberSEO Pro plugin enables you to fully automate the traditional method of blogging, relieving you of the need to hire copywriters and handle the manual publication of articles written by them. Now, our robot integrated with cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies such as Article Forge, OpenAI GPT (known to you as ChatGPT), DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion, will do all of this for you. Forget about outdated methods and embrace technologies that, until recently, only existed in the pages of science fiction.

Talking about no-source autoblogging, a resonant question may arise: what kind of feed would that be if it has no source? It’s a reasonable question, and the answer is quite simple: your feed settings become the content source or the feed for your website. Just click on the “Syncicated” button in the main panel of CyberSEO Pro Sydnicator, leaving the “New feed URL” field empty. The plugin will create a new “dummy” feed for you and take you to the settings page. The first thing you’ll need to do is give the feed a unique name to easily locate it among other content sources. Then you’ll have to set a few automatic content generation options, which might take even less than a minute. Once you’ve saved your feed settings, CyberSEO Pro will generate new WordPress posts based on it at intervals you specify. No more manual input – your site will be filled with 100% unique content fully on autopilot – just fire and forget!

So what tools does CyberSEO Pro offer for generating WordPress posts without relying on external content sources? There are two main tools. Both involve the use of AI and can be combined in the settings of each feed (in CyberSEO Pro, these are traditionally called independent content companies).

No-source AI Autoblogging

The first tool you’ll encounter is the “AI article generation” tab within the feed settings panel. Here, you have the choice to generate text content using either Article Forge or OpenAI GPT, providing flexibility to create custom content. In both cases, the generated text can be added above or below the original article if it was imported from an external source or from your text dump, or it can be used as the content of the WordPress post itself.

Let’s delve deeper into using OpenAI GPT. In the settings menu, you can select the desired model, such as Davinci, GPT 3.5 Turbo, or GPT-4, and define its parameters. The main objects here are the “Post title assignment” and “Article assignment” fields, allowing you to write a custom text prompt for OpenAI GPT. In this assignment, you can use Spintax to diversify tasks for the same feed (campaign). For example:

CyberSEO Pro GPT article assignment

This assignment will generate a countless number of unique articles about public transport, cab service, architecture, and music festivals in cities like London, Paris, Vienna, Boston, and Chicago. As you can see, just one relatively short assignment using Spintax provides you with enormous opportunities for automatically creating content with AI.

In addition to Spintax, you can employ various placeholders that enable you to insert any values from the sources of information you import into your assignments. This could be the original article’s text, its title, tags, or any XML values from your imported content sources. For instance:

CyberSEO Pro GPT article assignment

With such a simple assignment, you can automatically generate critical reviews of articles imported from an RSS feed or any other information source.

AI Autoblogging with Post Templates

The second, and more powerful, method of content generation is post templates. These are located in the “Advanced” tab of your feed settings. Here, you can define the required HTML structure of the generated posts (yes, basic HTML knowledge is necessary, but you’re a webmaster). You can also use Spintax, as well as all the placeholders and shortcodes available within the CyberSEO Pro plugin.

Besides textual content, your posts should also contain some visual elements, such as images and video clips. CyberSEO Pro makes media integration a breeze. Automatically insert relevant YouTube videos, Creative Commons licensed images from Google, free Pixabay pictures, and even create unique visuals using AI models like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E.

To understand how it works, just watch the video.

The Bottom Line

Think CyberSEO Pro must cost a fortune? Think again! Despite its robust features, it’s available at a fraction of the cost of other premium RSS aggregators. The price for a lifetime license does not exceed, and sometimes is even significantly lower than, the average cost of any premium RSS aggregator for WordPress. The people who use CyberSEO Pro professionally prefer to keep their strategies and tools secret, so it’s hard to find detailed information about the plugin online. However if you visit the support forum, you’ll see that it’s bustling with active members, all of whom are CyberSEO Pro clients.

When purchasing CyberSEO Pro, you receive a lifetime license for the current version, as well as all free updates for a year going forward. Unlike some other plugins mentioned earlier in the article, CyberSEO Pro won’t demand payment for individual extensions or add-ons that implement various features. The complete set of tools described in the plugin’s outline is immediately and fully accessible. Since its first release in 2006, CyberSEO Pro has never ceased to be refined and updated, a testament to its ongoing commitment to excellence. You can view the full changelog for more details. The Lite version of the plugin (discontinued) is suggested as an automating tool in the book “WordPress for Journalists: From Plugins to Commercialisation” by LJ Filotrani.

CyberSEO Pro occupies less than 500 kilobytes of your server’s memory. Additionally, it leaves no footprints in the posts it generates, and its folder in wp/content/plugins/ cannot be detected externally, for example, by search engine bots.

Creating coherent book-length articles with GPT-4 Turbo


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